Friday, 11 December 2015

4 Key Features to Seek in Modern Cash Handling Safes

In today’s fast paced environment, cash intensive businesses need to adopt reliable and efficient cash handling safes in order to streamline operations and optimize profitability. Businesses that process a large number of cash transactions on a day-to-day basis are always vulnerable to external and internal thefts, possibility of human errors, and data management glitches - all of which impact the overall productivity and profitability of the business, and the level of customer satisfaction. That explains the reason why an increasing number of businesses are incorporating automated cash handling safes. Now, the question is: how to select one?
To help, here are four essential features you must look into, when it comes to buying smart cash handling safes:

Real-Time Tracking

The traditional practice of managing multiple registers and maintaining tills is a time consuming process and affects the productivity of employees. Innovative cash handling safes automate counting, coin collection, and various other aspects of the cash handling process, thereby minimizing the need of dedicated professionals. These safes maintain an accurate count of the cash deposited and automatically records the data, ready to be printed at any given point in time. Each deposit inside the safe is electronically recorded and can be securely transmitted to all stakeholders. Besides, offering real-time tracking and comprehensive audits, smart safes provide seamless cash transfer from the point of sale to the bank.

Built-in Counterfeit Detection

Considering the free circulation of fake money, counterfeit detection should be one of the primary concerns when looking to buy smart cash handling safes. All direct sales businesses lose an incalculable sum of money in counterfeit currencies, which may have a notable impact on their profits and growth. State-of-the-art smart safes come with a sophisticated built-in counterfeit detection system to save businesses from forgery. Look for a manufacturer that is known to use advanced counterfeit technology in safes.

Coin Acceptor

If your business deals with small value transactions and has to accept a large number of coin, make sure the cash handling safe you buy is equipped with a coin acceptor and dispenser. A coin acceptor and dispenser makes it easier for business to count and sort the received coins according to their value. It sorts coins by denomination and pour coins into a collection bag to be transferred to the bank.

Coin Acceptor

High Security Locks

In addition to advanced cash management features, the smart safe you select must have a robust locking mechanism. An advanced locking system not only minimizes the possibility of burglaries, but also eliminates internal thefts, to a large extent. It is better to install a safe with a key that cannot be duplicated; better yet, go for a safe that also has an electronic locking system as well as a high security lock.


Cash intensive businesses need to optimize their operations by embracing progressive strategies and technologies, in order to gain a competitive edge. Handling cash manually brings many challenges and that’s the reason why an increasing number of businesses are turning to smart cash handling safes. Smart safes not only streamline start-to-end cash flow but also reduce the risk of internal shrinking and robbery. But when it comes to buying one, make sure you consider all the aforementioned factors before making the final pick.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

4 Commandments of Effective Cash Management in Retail Business

Although most people prefer to use plastic money these days, there are still businesses that primarily rely on cash for daily transactions. As a result, managing cash is still a challenge for many businesses. To manage cash in a business setting, cash management systems and solutions in the form of cash safes and coin collectors were introduced in the US, way back in 2000; however, these solutions have not been used to their full potential as many business owners are still unaware of their utility. There are certain rules that businesses need to follow to effectively manage cash and we explain them here one by one.

Install Smart Cash Safes
Smart cash safes are the apt solution to enhance the cash management efficiency of a retail business. Modern safes provide numerous features using bill validator technology such as anti-theft, counting cash at a high speed, managing the record of each and every transaction and detection of counterfeit bills.

Increase Employee Awareness
Active and knowledgeable employees who understand all the aspects of cash management are always an asset for any business. Several     times, it has been found that criminals who run for easy money always target those employees who don’t pay much attention. It is therefore necessary for employees to be alert all the time and keep an eye out for unwanted elements.

Train Cash Handling Staff
It is quintessential for retail businesses to train their employees about the cash management systems and solutions. The training involves educating them about the nitty-gritty of cash management solutions and informing them about the basic compliance standards they need to follow regarding cash flow.

Use Effective Signs
To prevent robbery or theft, using effective signs is a potent measure. Signs such as ‘you are under video surveillance’, ‘no bill is accepted over $40’ and ‘for everyone’s safety we always keep minimum cash’ may be used to enhance the cash management system of retail businesses and any other similar business who needs to manage a huge amount of cash.

The Way Forward

Adopting contemporary cash management solutions and training employees regarding the possible threats in cash management are quintessential for any retail business. Although smart safes may be expensive, but in the long run they prove to be quite effective in providing better management and safety of in-transit-cash.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Automated Cash Management Systems: Transforming Your Business Dynamics

Revolutionize. That’s what you need to do if you are looking to streamline your retail business contemporarily. You are already counting stacks of cash, and facing infinite customers every day. In these circumstances when every rising sun brings along with it a bunch of new challenges, you need to invent new ways to beat them. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a scientist, neither some techy to do this, as the world already has efficient cash dispensers that are nothing, but automated cash management systems waiting to get installed. Let’s sight 3 wonderful things, for now, they can do to your business.
Increased Time to Customer Service
No matter the type of retail business--big box, convenience store, casino, or a restaurant--when you manage cash manually, the queues at your store or shop are bound to extend, making every customer wait more, and slow down your overall operation. Smart safes automate the entire cash management process. As there is a machine always there to count, recount, dispense, store, and safeguard your cash, you have more time at your disposal, which you are able to dedicate towards customer service. The result, building of long-lasting relationship with your customers, loyalty, and more business referrals.
Enhanced External and Internal Security
Automated cash management systems such as smart cash dispensers are both machines that maintain an accurate cash flow, and vaults that lock your money safely. Built with premium grade steel, and equipped with counterfeit technology, they secure your business both against internal shrinkage and external theft. Many smart safes, in fact, come with alarm triggers, and hot keys that lock down the units in emergency situations, to help you secure your money. Moreover, with access to only authorized users, and a comprehensive recording of every transaction electronically, your business always has access to every minute detail and person who deposited or withdrew the cash, and for what purpose.
Increased Accuracy
Sticking of bills, transposition of numbers, and miscounting are all natural phenomenons when you take the manual way to count cash. After all, to err is human. Automated cash management systems, however, eliminate such errors. By maintaining an accurate count of cash flow, and identifying any and all counterfeit bills, they keep you at peace at all times. Naturally, when you know that there is no room for counting error, you can question people managing your business money for every missing cent.
Modern currency recyclers and smart safes are revolutionizing the way banks, credit unions, retails stores, and other businesses work. In the event where every customer looks for fast paced lanes, and every fast transaction is so vital to your business profits, automated cash management systems are an optimal solution to enhance your client acquisition rate and improve customer engagement. Hope, when it comes to using latest technologies in this direction, your business is not left behind.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Security Safes: Are You Making The Right Business Choice?

Cash Management can significantly impact the time and labor invested in a business. In order to make cash handling easy and keep the cash or other valuables secure, new age smart security safes are the solution of choice. Though some of the safe manufacturing and services companies  go a step further in their service provision --  to actually help you evaluate your current processes and solutions with a view to determine the best security safe for your business -- it is always a good idea to be proactive and get some unbiased security safe buying tips on your own.

Here are some factors that will help you determine which safe is best suited for your business requirements.

1. Volume of Cash or Valuables Involved 
Depending on the volumes of cash that a security safe has  to store or dispense, there is a broad range of safes available in the market. The safe sizes vary, from the ones that handle  a few hundred dollars to top-end options that are used in high cash volumes locations. (Example - the Casinos in Las Vegas). It is therefore, recommended that you go through your cash flow statements to determine the exact requirement for your cash handling.

2. Type of protection required
All safes are required to maintain certain security standards, such as burglary resistance, fireproofing, and  others. Apart from this,  insurance companies also provide coverage to the safes with specific minimum safe ratings only. Depending upon the nature of the valuables that need safekeeping, you will be able to determine the type of safe and degree of protection you need. For example, if you have non-negotiable paper documents to store, a fireproof safe is what you need. However, for the purpose of securing bullion, coins or jewelry, a burglary resistant safe is what you need.

3. Space for Installation 
The space that is available for installation is another determinant that should never be missed at the time of purchasing a safe. One very important points that you must be aware of while determining the size of the safe you require, is the fact that there may be a considerable variation between internal and the external dimensions. Therefore, you must measure the space that is available before you go ahead to order a safe.
4. Number of Currency Detectors needed
Also known as bill validators or currency validators, their job is to determine if the bills or coins are genuine or not. The number of validators you require would in turn depend on 3 factors.
  • Capacity
If the volume of cash to be managed is huge then you require more validators, but the number of validators you can actually install in the safe depends on the capacity of the safe.
  • Redundancy  
Installing extra validators that can be used in times of emergency is a great idea. They are handy in case of failure or breakdown of one or more validators .
  • Acceptance Rate
To be able to accept more currency notes in a short time period, either the acceptance rate should be very high or you may have to increase the number of validators to alternate your deposits between the available validators.

Word of advice
Price is obviously a major determinant in choosing the right safe. However, instead of looking for a cheap safe, you must look for one that is cost effective. In other words, the best security safe for your business is not the one that is cheap but one that is cost effective, and suits your business needs.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Retail Management Tips to Streamline Your Business Operation

Managing any form of retail business is an arduous task in this competitive age, especially if it deals face to face with an endless list of consumers daily. Even the most competent and diligent organizations trip up in this business-genre, causing some serious damages to their revenue. There are ways, however, to increase customer acquisition, lower costs and enhance overall business performance. Better known as ‘focus points’, let us sight a few tips in this direction cardinal to streamline your business.

Understand Your Customers
How quickly your business reacts and responses to your customers is what determines its true success. This involves understanding customer behaviour and bending your business as per their needs. What you are offering to your customers may be working now, but strategic goals thrive on how much your business is capable of maneuvering itself as per changing trends. It is its flexibility and willingness to change that is most required for both its sustenance and succession. 

Increase Customer Acquisition through Fast Solutions
Every successful business story is different, but few elements remain common everywhere. In this fast paced life, consumers do not want to wait for long; therefore, when possible, provide them with quick solutions. Be it the installation of smart safes and cash registers at your retail store to streamline your cash management process or a debit/credit reader for fast transactions, think of ways that compel your consumers to like your business. 

Study Your Competition
Analyzing your competition is not a choice these days; you must know about your rivals’ strategies, success stories, offers, promotions, and everything there is to know about them. Risk evaluation includes finding out businesses that are making the maximum profits and pose you the greatest degree of threat; it is one of most important strategies for people looking to skyrocket their business. Remember, competitor research helps you know more about the business you are up against, and lays the foundation for devising further strategic plans. 

Employ Quality Staff
Be it a call center or an auto dealership, your employees are a reflection of your business. No wonder you want this workforce to be skillful and powerful enough to create that everlasting impression about your brand. Hiring the right personnel for retail businesses becomes even more important, as they interact face-to-face with a number of consumers on a daily basis. It is, however, equally important to provide them with quality training to ensure that they maintain the required standards and continue to deliver what is required out of them.

Be Prepared for Challenges
Any form of retailing presents a number of challenges that often come like uninvited guests. Regular market research to develop a better understanding of consumer behaviour, their motivations and attitudes, therefore, stands crucial. At the same time, you should not worry when confronted with too many challenges at once, rather focus on one issue at a time. 

Be it safety safes services that your retail shop uses to streamline its cash management workflow, or the provision of online services, streamlining your business in this competitive age requires considering various factors that range from creating business objectives, and perusing market competition to hiring the right people and providing fast customer services. All in all, strategic planning needs to run parallel with sound implementation.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Smart Safes: A Boon for Cash-intensive Business

Regardless of the industry under consideration, competitiveness is increasing by the day, especially when it comes to B2C or direct-sales entities. That is the reason why it is imperative for business to deploy every possible channel to optimize productivity, whether in resource or cash management. Cash-intensive businesses, such as restaurants, supermarts, salons, and the like, especially need a robust cash management system, and smart safes are proving to be the ideal answer.

What Are Smart Safes?

In simple terms, smarts safes take the capabilities of traditional cash safes to a whole new level. Deploying a gamut of progressive technologies, smart safes not only keep your cash safe, but also lend various other capabilities including transaction management, bill validation, record tracking, and many others. They also allow administrators to provide customized privileges to different staff members. All in all, they abolish almost all complexities faced by businesses that process a significant number of transactions.

What Is The Cost?
If you compare the cost of a standard safe with that of a smart safe, there will obviously be a fair difference. A standard safe costs $100 to $200, whereas an entry-level smart safe may set you back by a notably larger amount. Though buying a smart safe may appear to be an added expense for your business, however, in the long run, the investment yields great returns. You are not only able to cut the cost involved in transaction management, but also save your business from many possible debilitating events, such as internal thefts, clerical errors, and the like.

Which One to Buy?
In a nutshell, the decision on which one to go for depends on the nature of your business, and the number of transactions you need to process on average per day. Though the market is flooded with more than enough choices of smart safes, there is certainly a notable degree of diversity in both quality and features sets. Therefore, if you are looking to make a long-term investment, it is advisable not to get lured by exceedingly low prices or discounts. Always go through the testimonials shared by buyers before making the payment. In addition, you may try contacting the seller to learn more about the options they have to offer.

The times are changing, and those who are not willing to adapt are almost certain to face doom, sooner or later. Therefore, in order to ensure that your business doesn’t meet the same fate as those that have gone under, make sure it is equipped with all the requirements that ensure optimum productivity and profitability. It is exactly for this same reason why smart safes are no longer a “choice” for direct sales businesses but a necessity.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Guidelines for Choosing the Right Commercial Safe

Cash management has been a challenge for almost all the businesses. Many people still prefer to make cash despite the introduction of new methods of payment. Handing a huge amount of cash manually is prone to errors and the risk of theft. Traditional safes that can only store cash may not be of help in such situations.

An updated cash management system like commercial safes can be of great help in this situation. The smart safes  automatically validate, accept, record, and store notes in a full-proof secured environment. Before you shortlist a smart safe, it is advisable to assess the security risk to determine the type of safes your business requires. Read on to know the factors that you need to consider when buying a smart safe.

Important Features of Smart Safes
  • Automated operation is an essential factor that needs to be considered while selecting a smart safe. It refers to automatic cash collection, counting and recording the transactions that were done during the day.
  • Bill validation is another essential factor that needs to be considered for commercial safes.  Safes with optical sensing technology detect all types of fake notes, and bills.
  • The wireless and LAN connectivity need to be considered when selecting a smart safe. These factors provide operational flexibility including provisional credit, and real-time auditing.
  • Choosing the right sized cash safe is necessary as it will help in saving your time and money. Buying a too small or big safe will not solve the purpose as you may end up spending more money on transferring the cash or maintaining the equipment.   
  • The smart safe that you choose needs to be easy to operate to save your time and money. For instance, depositing money into the smart safe needs to be effortless for the cashiers. Look for safes that take into consideration the user experience and interfaces. A complicated cash management system may increase your operational costs and lead to errors.
A safe that has complicated menu structures and deposit procedure will not serve the purpose. Commercial safes make your work easier provided you choose something according to the size of your business and easy to operate. Selecting the right safe will save your time and money by increasing your overall productivity and efficiency.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Collect and Secure Cash with Cash Management Safes

Are you looking for smart technology for securing a cash-intensive environment? Cash management safes are the ideal solution for you. These will save employees’ time that they spend for counting cash. Instead, they can focus more on the key business areas.
A cash management smart safe can secure cash while reducing the chances of internal and external thefts. It will put an end to the time-consuming and traditional manual cash management process.
Who Can Use Cash Management Smart Safe?
Cash management safes are being used across a wide spectrum of businesses that have a common requirement, which is need for a reliable solution to manage cash in an effective and verifiable manner. These are installed everywhere from restaurants to gas stations, hotels and retail stores.
How Smart Safes Work?
Smart safes come with in-built counterfeit detection, security and live reporting features to help businesses save time and money while improving their productivity. Let's look at how cash management safes can help you collect and secure cash:
  • When a cashier feeds currency into the bill acceptor, it verifies the notes by denomination and stores them in the safe.
  • The accuracy level of machines is high and managers don't need to recount the deposited amount. So, it gets easier and safer for everyone to work in a cash-intensive business.
  • Cash management safes provide real-time visibility of the cash deposits. These can present the activity reports base on business day, shift, transaction type and many other parameters.
  • These maintain a perfect cash count, which is ready to be printed instantly.
  • Change fund of coins and rolled currency can be loaded into the safe easily without having to worry about employee security and other kind of interruption.
  • Smart safes can also securely transmit the electronically recorded data in real-time to key stakeholders for reporting purpose.
Summing It Up
While these are some of the advantages and functionalities of cash management smart safe, there are several other ways by which businesses are getting benefited with these advanced products. A smart safe gives peace of mind to businesses as their cash is in safe hands and every activity is being continuously reported so that there’s no incident of cash theft at any stage.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Why More Businesses Use Automated Cash Handling Safes

When shopping, customers have a few options available to them where they can pay for a transaction -- credit card, debit card or cash. Credit and debit card transactions come with a cost for the retailer. When a customer pays for a transaction with a credit or debit card, the retailer has to pay a certain amount of fees in order to process the payment.

So there’s no question as to why a retailer would prefer cash. When a customer pays in cash, the transaction costs the retailer nothing. However, a significant amount of time is wasted every day in the manual handling of cash. Retail managers and employees must take time away from their customers to carefully attend to the chore of cash counting, sorting and bookkeeping.

In manual cash handling, the cash is kept in a drawer or vault until the authorized person deposits the money into the bank, or hands it over to an armored cash transport company. This is where automated cash handling safes have become quite useful.

Retail Businesses Lose When Using the Manual Cash Handling Method:
  • A retailer is unable to use the cash until it gets deposited into the bank
  • If a retail company seeks the services of a cash management company, it will incur additional expenses
  • There are higher chances of error due to human intervention for the manual counting and recording of cash
One of the largest concerns for retailers is internal shrinkage when handling the process manually. It has been observed that shrinkage from internal sources is more worrisome for retailers than preventing cash from external threats such as robbery. The average business experiences a cash shrinkage of at least one percent each year, thus resulting in smaller profit margins.

In order to prevent loss, many businesses are automating their cash handling systems. From automated cash counting and provisional credit on deposits, to the safeguarding that cash handling safes provide, smart safes have turned out to be an ideal investment. These safes allow retail stores and other businesses to utilize their time more efficiently.

If your business accepts large amounts of cash on a daily basis, then cash handling safes can be quite handy. Apart from reducing the chances of error, you are also giving your employees more time to devote to customer service.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Coin Acceptor - A Smart Solution for Cash Management

A coin acceptor is an electronic device that validates coins deposited based on physical properties. The machine checks the diameter, magnetic content and thickness, and then sends a signal to the output connector. Once deposited, the coins take different routes to start the validation process depending on its mech. Whichever route the coin follows, it will pass through a series of sensors.

Optical and inductive are some of the most common sensors that are used for this purpose. While the optical sensors use light beams to measure the size of the coins, the inductive sensors help in determining the denomination and type. These measurements are done quickly. After the coins have been scanned, the validator decides whether to accept or reject the coins that have been deposited. When the coins pass through the sensors the readings are compared with a pre-programmed parameter that exists in the memory of the coin acceptor. If the coin is not valid, it’s routed back to the reject cup. This will save time and also help you detect counterfeit coins within a short span of time

Advantages of Using an Advanced Cash Management System
Advanced cash management systems  increase workplace efficiency.  Cashiers don’t have to recount coins at regular intervals with a coin collector. It also increases accountability as bills and coins are verified for the denomination and immediately stored in the safe. The main advantage of using an advanced cash management system like a coin acceptor is that it helps in detecting counterfeit coins. 

Friday, 16 January 2015

Benefits of Technologically Advanced Cash Management Safes

Traditionally, it was believed that profit was the key indicator of success. With time, business professionals have realized that apart from profit, cash is something more fundamental for every business purpose irrespective of the size of the business. Retailers across the globe now understand that inefficient cash management can hamper any business.

Whether your business handles only a few dollars in a day or funnels in cash from slot machines, cash kept on the premises has the unfortunate side effect of robbery! It thus becomes crucial for businesses to opt for innovative and cost-effective cash-management systems. Safes come as a great option for ensuring that deposits have a reduced risk of internal and external theft. A strong safe not only improves operational safety but also allows your investment to pay back. Cash management safes are now widely being adopted in cash intensive businesses for protection of the cash and better control of cash flows.

Effective Counterfeit Detection: For grocery stores and other cash intensive businesses, it becomes extremely crucial to validate large amounts received from the customers. The innovative safes rely on modern UV lights and counterfeit pens which immediately validates the large notes without much effort.

Safe Cash: In convenience stores, managing cash at the front end heightens the risk of both internal and external theft. Advanced cash safes ensures that the cash remains closed and protected throughout the day.

Internal and External Shrinkage: Cash management safes comes with numerous security features which optimize the protection of cash from the risk of theft and robbery.

Bank Deposits and POS Cash Drop: Large scale businesses depend on provisional credit for the efficient management of cash. Once the cash is collected in the business center, a provisional credit is created in the bank account much before the cash is actually deposited in the bank account. This has definitely streamlined the processes by eliminating the strenuous and hectic manual process.

Enhances Operational Efficiency: Counting the cash till the closeout process is often strenuous and time-consuming. Advanced cash management safes maintain a perfect count every time users deposit cash. The interactions are electronically recorded and gets ready to be printed at a moment’s notice.

Safer Environment: Once the cashier deposits the cash, it is never necessary to recount the cash. Additionally, the high-security lock and keys narrow down the risk of drill attacks creating a much safer and more secure environment. This not only brings peace of mind but also increases the productivity of the manager by saving his precious time.

Ideal for Cash Intensive Environments: Fast, secure and accurate safe systems improve cash flow. With electronic recordings of each cash deposit, the data is also securely transmitted to crucial stakeholders and banks. Again, with clear information, banks too offer provisional credit against the cash deposited in the safe even before the cash is actually deposited in the bank. Now, you can easily forget the dangerous practice of carrying huge amounts of cash for depositing in the bank.

Multiple Benefits of a Cash Dispenser

There was a prevalent belief that profit is the indicator of a successful business. Eventually, it has been realized that inefficient cash management and lack of control over cash flows can hamper the company’s competent ability. To enhance operational efficiency and security, cash intensive businesses including convenience stores, grocery stores, hotels, casinos and restaurants should adopt effective cash management safes.

Until today, numerous retailers prefer manual cash management systems. The traditional mode of counting comes with various shortcomings. Technologically advanced cash dispensing safes come with multiple advantages such as cash flow processes, daily balancing, smooth transactions and member interactions. Cash dispensers also reduced cash handling, thus improving workplace safety.

Dispense Change: In the cash dispensing safes, the manager can load currency or coins into the safes. This effectively offers secure and free access to the employees throughout the day. The machine also offers an inner visual inventory which makes it more efficient.

Fund Validation: If you want to install a cash dispensing safe, look for manufacturers who offer safes with quality bill validators. Cashiers can use the safe to validate large notes. This immediately reduces the risk of discrepancy with the customers. With the bill acceptance, the counted cash is efficiently secured in cassettes for convenient deposit.

Efficient Recording of Activity: Once the deposit is done, all the interactions are recorded electronically. This not only helps in generating reports but the personal identification pin is extremely useful in the auditing of end of the day activity and user reports. Cash dispensing safes make the most crucial information easily available!

Security: Securing and protecting cash is definitely the most crucial function of the safe. Constructed with rigorous standards, each point of access is securely protected and this lowers the risk of burglary.

Cash Control: Effective cash control has always remained a matter of concern for businesses. With seamless accounting between the bank and the POS, smart safes offer the best cash control by limiting cash exposure. Additionally, it increases profitability and enforces some of the best corporate policies.

So, if you run a convenience store, casino, amusement park or restaurant, make sure you use a cash dispenser to enhance security and operational efficiency.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Ways to Select the Best Safe that Caters to your Requirements

The amount of available cash is a key indicator of the success of every business. This is the reason why optimizing cash flow and managing deposits efficiently have become the primary concern of all cash-intensive industries.

An effective way of the hassle-free handling of cash and protecting against burglary is to opt for a smart safe. You can invest in a high security safe that cost-effectively protects all your savings. Proactive research is indeed necessary to find the best security safe that caters to all your specific requirements.

The instructions below will help you in finding the perfect security safes:
  • Assessment of the specifications- To begin with, you need to assess what kind of safes you want to buy. Safe manufacturers offer unique specifications for different safes. It is ideal to do a threat-assessment of the protection level required for your safes. If you are planning to buy a theft proof safe, high-security safes with electronically recorded details will definitely be the best bet. It is also advisable to consider the design and the quality of the material used in the safes. Premium grade 80 steel is preferred by users over cheaper steel. This is not only known for high-strength and low weight but is also resistant to atmospheric corrosion.
  • Additional features- In recent years, retail stores have replaced podium drawers at the front end with electronic safes. Smart electronic safes not only integrate the best validator technology but also provide great protection against counterfeit bills. Thus, managers and cashiers can easily validate the notes received and this eliminates the risk of discrepancies with the customers.
  • Some safes also come with coin acceptors that have the ability to count and sort the coins according to the denominations for recycling the coins and also for the bank deposits. 
  • Rich Reporting Modules- the optimization of cash flow has become the basic priority of all industries. It is advisable to opt for smart safes with advanced credit. The armored vendor will electronically transmit the cash deposited through bill validators for all the locations. The bank credits your account even before the cash is physically transported.
  • Price-The size and special features of the safes determine the price. Well-designed safes are always a good investment. However, numerous safe manufacturers offer superior designed safes at an affordable price.
By considering the above points, you don’t need to take too much trouble in selecting the best security safes that caters to your needs.