Friday, 11 December 2015

4 Key Features to Seek in Modern Cash Handling Safes

In today’s fast paced environment, cash intensive businesses need to adopt reliable and efficient cash handling safes in order to streamline operations and optimize profitability. Businesses that process a large number of cash transactions on a day-to-day basis are always vulnerable to external and internal thefts, possibility of human errors, and data management glitches - all of which impact the overall productivity and profitability of the business, and the level of customer satisfaction. That explains the reason why an increasing number of businesses are incorporating automated cash handling safes. Now, the question is: how to select one?
To help, here are four essential features you must look into, when it comes to buying smart cash handling safes:

Real-Time Tracking

The traditional practice of managing multiple registers and maintaining tills is a time consuming process and affects the productivity of employees. Innovative cash handling safes automate counting, coin collection, and various other aspects of the cash handling process, thereby minimizing the need of dedicated professionals. These safes maintain an accurate count of the cash deposited and automatically records the data, ready to be printed at any given point in time. Each deposit inside the safe is electronically recorded and can be securely transmitted to all stakeholders. Besides, offering real-time tracking and comprehensive audits, smart safes provide seamless cash transfer from the point of sale to the bank.

Built-in Counterfeit Detection

Considering the free circulation of fake money, counterfeit detection should be one of the primary concerns when looking to buy smart cash handling safes. All direct sales businesses lose an incalculable sum of money in counterfeit currencies, which may have a notable impact on their profits and growth. State-of-the-art smart safes come with a sophisticated built-in counterfeit detection system to save businesses from forgery. Look for a manufacturer that is known to use advanced counterfeit technology in safes.

Coin Acceptor

If your business deals with small value transactions and has to accept a large number of coin, make sure the cash handling safe you buy is equipped with a coin acceptor and dispenser. A coin acceptor and dispenser makes it easier for business to count and sort the received coins according to their value. It sorts coins by denomination and pour coins into a collection bag to be transferred to the bank.

Coin Acceptor

High Security Locks

In addition to advanced cash management features, the smart safe you select must have a robust locking mechanism. An advanced locking system not only minimizes the possibility of burglaries, but also eliminates internal thefts, to a large extent. It is better to install a safe with a key that cannot be duplicated; better yet, go for a safe that also has an electronic locking system as well as a high security lock.


Cash intensive businesses need to optimize their operations by embracing progressive strategies and technologies, in order to gain a competitive edge. Handling cash manually brings many challenges and that’s the reason why an increasing number of businesses are turning to smart cash handling safes. Smart safes not only streamline start-to-end cash flow but also reduce the risk of internal shrinking and robbery. But when it comes to buying one, make sure you consider all the aforementioned factors before making the final pick.